One of the most common of all cosmetic procedures, abdominal liposuction is a technique for recontouring the body by permanently removing fat deposits from the abdomen. The tendency to accumulate fat in the abdomen may be inherited, and this fat is often especially resistant to diet and exercise. Many patients become discouraged at having lost unwanted pounds without seeing a flatter abdomen. The overall proportions of the body may be unbalanced or the abdomen may simply have retained areas of fatty tissue that cause it to protrude. In these cases, liposuction can successfully trim excess fat in the abdomen for a flatter abdomen and more slender, balanced shape. A careful history of your weight diet and exercise will be important. Keep in mind that the higher your goals, the more you will have to actively participate in this process in order to achieve those goals. If you are just concerned about removing fat, liposuction alone will achieve that goal. But if you want an athletic, sculpted look, and you want to look great in a bikini, you may need to incorporate extensive exercise into your plan. A newly trim abdomen can provide a psychological lift and an extra incentive to exercise regularly and maintain fitness. Many patients even find physical activity more pleasurable after shedding extra fat, and they also find that clothes tend to fit better

How this procedure is performed:
Before surgery, the surgeon will mark the precise areas of the body where the fat is to be removed. An intravenous (IV) line will be inserted in a vein in your arm to make sure the fluid level in your body stays within healthy limits throughout the procedure. If you are not undergoing general anesthesia, you may be given a sedative for relaxation. During the procedure, the surgeon makes a tiny incision in the skin, typically in the navel or just below the bikini line, and inserts a thin tube called a cannula into the fatty area. The cannula is used to break up the fat deposits and sculpt the area to the desired proportions. The unwanted fat is removed with a powerful vacuum, leaving the skin, muscles, nerves, and blood vessels intact. The technique chosen for your operation will be determined by a combination of factors, including the precise area to be treated, the amount of fat to be removed, your surgeon's training and experience, and your preferences.
- On the evening prior to the surgery, be sure to get a good night sleep
- Ensure you arrive 2 hours before your surgery. Please call 09050258958, 09075789888 the day before your surgery to confirm your arrival. If you are unable to keep your scheduled surgery, please call our office 48 hours in advance if you need to cancel.
- Plan in advance for no strenuous activities or heavy lifting for 7 days.
- Plan on wearing a compression garment for 24 hours a day for 6 weeks. Plan on approximately 3 months for final outcome.
- You will need to have a responsible adult drive you home and be with you for 24 hours after your surgery.
- Be sure that your home and car will be prepared for you. Following surgery, drainage of tumescent anesthesia may ruin car upholstery, carpeting, linens, and bedding. We recommend covering car seats, your bed, and any other furniture that you might rest on with a waterproof pad or cover.
- Do not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before surgery if you are scheduled for a morning start time. If you are scheduled in the afternoon, you may have a light breakfast. Do not drink any liquids or eat 6 hours prior to surgery. -avoid alcoholic beverages for 24 hours before surgery.
- Wear comfortable loose fitting clothing – a free gown, button down shirt, easy slip on pants, and flat shoes.
- Do not apply any powder, deodorant, ointment, perfume, or cologne.
- For abdominal liposuction, please shave pubic area prior to surgery (i.e. Belly button area and down approximately 18-20 cm). Please call if questions.
- Do not wear anything made of metal such as a watch, rings, earrings, necklace, or any body piercings.
- Do not smoke or be around smokers for 2 weeks prior to and after surgery. This can delay and compromise healing time.
- Do not wear your contact lenses.
- Do not take aspirin, anti-coagulants 2 weeks to your procedure
- Check with your surgeon or his nurse regarding the medications you should take the morning of surgery. A general rule is that heart and blood pressure medications should be taken with a small sip of water. Diabetic dosages may vary according to your diabetic doctor’s orders. DO NOT TAKE THE MEDICATIONS PRIOR TO YOUR APPOINTMENT. Your surgeon will give them to you with a sip of water prior to your procedure.
- Make sure that all your financial obligations have been met with the office 48 hours before surgery. If not, you run the chance of having your surgery delayed or cancelled.
- Please do not schedule any commitments, trips, exercising for 14 days post surgery.
- Immediately following surgery, absorbent dressings will be placed on incision wounds to collect drainage and you will be fitted with a tight compression garment which will facilitate retraction of the skin over suctioned areas. Please wear the garment overnight. If the absorbent pads become saturated with drainage, they will be replaced with dry absorbent pads if this can be done without removing the garment.
- Sitting in an upright position will facilitate drainage.
- For any abnormalities or emergencies call 09050258958, 09075789888.
- Call the office immediately if you have:
- -a temperature of 38 or greater
- -redness that’s beginning to spread away from the incision site
- -any unusually painful swelling
- -any active bleeding saturating more than a 4x4 gauze (light pink “Hawaiian punch” colored drainage is normal)
- -any purulent “pus like” drainage coming from the incision site
- -pain that is not relieved by your pain medication
- ACTIVITY: Avoid any strenuous activities or heavy lifting for 14 days. You may begin an exercise program 14 days after surgery, dependent upon your level or discomfort and drainage.
- Do not engage in sexual activity for at least 1 week after surgery.
- Do not apply any heating devices to any areas of numbness. You may burn yourself without even knowing it.
- Avoid excessive heat (i.e. Bath tubs, Hot tubs, saunas, etc.) for 4 weeks after surgery.
- DRESSINGS: You may remove the dressings in 24 hours and then shower. You can replace the dressings as needed for drainage. You may apply an antibiotic ointment to the incision sites twice per day. If you have steri strips, leave them in place. They will fall off in 5-7 days.
- Wear your compression garment for 24 hours a day for 6 weeks. You may remove it to take a shower or to wash it, then put it right back on. You may wear a smooth garment under your compression garment.
- MEDICATION: Take your prescribed medications as ordered. Take your antibiotics until they’re all gone.
- Pain medication, anesthesia, and a lack of exercise can cause you to have bowel problems. If you are constipated you may take a gentle over the counter laxative and stool softener.
- Remember to drink extra fluids (8-10) 12 oz. glasses of water (not soda and coffee) per day.
- OTHER: Do not smoke or be around smokers for 2 weeks after surgery. Plan on approximately 3 months for final outcome. Occasionally patients will experience a feeling of localized texture changes in the skin (hardness or a lumpy feeling) which will resolve over time .Call our office if you have questions.